Mirra PROPHYLACTIC Prophylactic MEDELLA-1 tonic anti-stress complex 50x0.4g

Mirra PROPHYLACTIC Prophylactic MEDELLA-1 tonic anti-stress complex 50x0.4g

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Tones up and strengthens the body. Purple Coneflower (Echinacea Purpurea) extract serves as a supplementary source of beta-carotene and oxy-cinnamic acid. Biologically active substances of Roseroot (Rhodiola Rosea) and Purple Coneflower help normalise the metabolic processes, improve the energy supply to the brain, stimulate mental and physical performance and strengthen the immunity. Glutamic Acid improves the transmission of nerve impulses across the central nervous system. Beta-carotene (Provitamin A) facilitates the cellular regeneration and the normalisation of eyesight. 
Tones up the body;
Prevents the loss of energy during stress, physical and mental strain; 
Helps restore the physical and mental performance, improve the memory and concentration,    enhance the emotional well-being; 
Strengthens the immune system. 
Adults: take 1 capsule 1-2 times daily with meals, which accounts for 100% beta-carotene of the recommended daily intake.  The length of one course is 2-3 weeks.  Consult your health care provider before use. 
Contraindications: insomnia, heightened nerve excitability, hypertonic disease, epilepsy, pregnancy, lactation and individual intolerance of ingredients.
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