Mirra PROPHYLACTIC MEDELLA-2 soothing anti-stress complex 50x0.4g

Mirra PROPHYLACTIC MEDELLA-2 soothing anti-stress complex 50x0.4g

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A gentle soothing and relaxing formula, the source of flavonoids and glycine. Lowers the heightened sensitivity of nervous, digestive and cardiovascular systems. Boosts the mood and a sense of well-being under conditions of psycho-emotional strain and stress, helps achieve a good night’s sleep. Might help relieve aches and spasms of different kinds. 
Lowers the heightened sensitivity of nervous, digestive and cardiovascular systems;
Boosts the mood and a sense of well-being during the psycho-emotional strain, stress and the period of menopause;
Contributes to good night’s sleep. 
Adults: take 1 capsule 1-2 times daily with meals. The length of one course is 2-3 weeks.  
Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation and individual intolerance of ingredients.
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