Mirra PROPHYLACTIC MIRANDA-4 intestinal drainage complex 80x0.5g

Mirra PROPHYLACTIC MIRANDA-4 intestinal drainage complex 80x0.5g

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The biologically active food supplement is recommended as a supplementary source of lactulose and pectin. 
preventing and correcting dysbiosis;
rebuilding intestinal flora;
cleansing and detoxifying the intestine.
Adults:  take 2 tablets x 2-3 times daily with meals. This accounts for no less than 70% lactulose and 60% pectin of the recommended daily intake.  The length of one course - 2 weeks.  The number of courses in a year is unlimited. Consult your health care provider before use.
Counterindication: individual intolerance of ingredients. You are recommended to consult your health care provider before use.
Content Lactulose, Pectin, Dry beetroot juice.
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