Mirra PROPHYLACTIC MIRRA-ANGIO biocomplex for vessels 50x0.5g

Mirra PROPHYLACTIC MIRRA-ANGIO biocomplex for vessels 50x0.5g

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A supplementary source of vitamin C, proanthocyanidins, dihydroquercetin and flavonoid glycosides. Highly efficient micronutrient complex with bioflavonoids and anti-oxidants prevents circulation impairment, helps maintain heart and brain functions. Improves the firmness and elasticity of blood vessel walls, stimulates vasodilation. As a prophylactic treatment, may help lower the risk of heart attack and stroke. Recommended at the initial stages of hypertension or atherosclerosis development. 
Helps maintain a healthy vascular and circulation system;
Improve the condition of the heart and brain. 
Adults: take 1 capsule 2 times daily with meals. This accounts for 80% vitamin C, 50% proanthocyanidin, 90% dihydroquercetin and 50% flavonol glycosides of reference daily intake (RDI). The length of one course – 25 days.  Consult your health care provider before use. 
Counterindications: individual intolerance of ingredients.
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