Mirra PROPHYLACTIC MIRRA-DIOVIT vitamin-immune complex 40x0.5g

Mirra PROPHYLACTIC MIRRA-DIOVIT vitamin-immune complex 40x0.5g

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MIRRA-DIOVIT has been developed for prophylactic and wellness purposes as a supplementary source of succinic acid and dihydroquercetin. 
Helps boost the body‘s energy reserve, strengthen the body's immunity and adaptive capacity, prevent the common cold and quickly recover after a sickness. 
Adults: take 1 tablet x 2  times daily with meals. This accounts for 42% dihydroquercetin and 45% glycyrrhizic acid of the recommended daily intake.  The length of one course – 20 days.  Consult your health care provider before use. 
Counterindication: individual intolerance of ingredients. You are recommended to consult your health care provider before use.  
Yeast autolysate, Succinic acid, Microcrystalline cellulose, Stevioside.
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