Mirra PROPHYLACTIC MIRRAVIT vitamin-antioxidant complex 40x0.5g

Mirra PROPHYLACTIC MIRRAVIT vitamin-antioxidant complex 40x0.5g

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The supplementary source of epofen (new generation anti-oxidant), ascorbic acid, beta-carotene (100% of recommended daily intake) and succinic acid (60% of recommended daily intake).
• Prevents the development of hypovitaminosis, boosts the body‘s resistance to infections and intoxications (including hangover);
• Supplies the cellular oxygen supply;
• Improves the condition and looks of your skin;
• Protects against premature ageing.
Adults:  1 tablet x 2 times daily with meals.  The length of one course – 2-4 weeks.  You are advised to consult your health care provider before use. 
Counterindication: individual intolerance of ingredients. You are recommended to consult your health care provider before use.  
Beta-Carotene, Epofen, Succinic Acid, Vitamin C, Lactose, Microcrystalline Cellulose. 
Expiry date - 1 year
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