Mirra PROPHYLACTIC MIRRA-IODINE biosorbent complex with iodine and vitamins 100x0.25g

Mirra PROPHYLACTIC MIRRA-IODINE biosorbent complex with iodine and vitamins 100x0.25g

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MIRRA-IODINE is a supplementary source of iodine, vitamins B1, B2, PP, B6 and folic acid. Iodine Biosorbent Formula is recommended to those who want to shed extra weight and prevent the development of cardiovascular conditions, such as hypertensive disease and atherosclerosis prevention. It is also recommended to overweight people with the signs of thyroid insufficiency.
Helps prevent and correct iodine and vitamin deficiency. Cleanses the colon, stimulates fat metabolism. 
Vitamin premix (Vitamins В1, В2, РР, В6), Folic Acid, Laminaria, Microcrystalline cellulose.
Adults: take 2 tablets x 2 times daily with meals. This accounts for 100% iodine, folic acid and vitamins B1, B6; 70% vitamins B2 and PP of the recommended daily intake.  The length of one course is 25 days.  Consult your health care provider before use. 
Counterindications: individual intolerance of ingredients. 
Expiry date – 1 year
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