Mirra PROPHYLACTIC MIRRA-CALCIUM calcium biocomplex with vitamins and microelements 120x0.4g

Mirra PROPHYLACTIC MIRRA-CALCIUM calcium biocomplex with vitamins and microelements 120x0.4g

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MIRRA-CALCIUM serves both prophylactic and wellness purposes as a supplementary source of calcium, trace elements zinc and manganese, vitamins B6, D3, K1 and C. The preparation helps maintain healthy bones and teeth.  Useful for the prevention of osteoporosis, postural and blood clotting disorders, bone breakage and tooth decay.   
Adults: take 2 tablet x 2  times daily with meals. This accounts for 25% calcium in a highly absorbable form, 35% zinc and manganese, 70% vitamins В6, D3, К1 and С of the recommended daily intake. The length of one course – 30 days. Consult your health care provider before use.
Counterindications: individual intolerance of ingredients.
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