Concept Salon Total Repair Mega-mask for hair 500ml / 16.90oz

Concept Salon Total Repair Mega-mask for hair 500ml / 16.90oz

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Mega-mask is a multifunctional, highly effective product for moisturizing and restoring chemically and thermally damaged hair.

Provides maximum nutrition and total restoration to weakened hair. Protects severely damaged, weakened hair with dry split ends. MEGA-Care mask for weak and damaged hair is designed to revitalize and restore hair that has been subject to repeated chemical treatments. The powerful formula provides maximum deep nutrition and hydration, protects hair from brittleness and dryness, restores hair elasticity, “seals” split ends, makes it silky and adds shine.

Apply the required amount of mask to clean, damp hair. Leave for 5-10 minutes. For a deeper effect, we recommend leaving the mask on for up to 20 minutes. Then rinse the mask thoroughly with water.

Purposes of Application
Repair coloured & damaged hair

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