Concept Salon Total Hydro Hydrointension mask 500ml / 16.90oz

Concept Salon Total Hydro Hydrointension mask 500ml / 16.90oz

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Hydrobalance Mask is an indispensable product in the process of healing dry, dehydrated hair. Suitable for frequent use, does not weigh down hair, makes combing and styling easier.

Based on the Hydrobalance complex, this professional mask of seaweed, lactic acid and citrus fruits effectively smoothes and saturates even the most dry, dull hair with moisture. The active substances of seaweed protect the hair structure from dehydration, gently envelop dry hair, making it elastic and resilient, without weighing it down. Extracts of bamboo, silk and cotton smooth the cuticle, soften and give hair a vibrant shine.

Regular use of the Hydrobalance Mask will provide high-quality hydration to the hair and scalp, healthy shine and elasticity.

Apply the mask to shampoo-washed hair, carefully distribute the composition over the entire length. Leave on for 5-10 minutes; for deeper recovery, it is recommended to leave the mask on for up to 20 minutes. Rinse the mask thoroughly with water.

Purposes of Application

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