Green Altai Toothpaste Sage (Salvia) 75g

Green Altai Toothpaste Sage (Salvia) 75g

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for sensitive teeth
Sage extract, propolis and the finest jasper dust used in the product formulation allow each cleaning to get rid of pathogenic bacteria in the oral cavity, soothe inflammation and minimize bleeding.
Sage extract has anti-inflammatory and hemostatic effect, destroys viruses and microbes. Propolis is a natural antiseptic, prevents the formation of caries, relieves pain.
Calcium glycerophosphate removes microcracks, restores thin and damaged tooth enamel, making it strong and smooth. In addition, Sage toothpaste contains silicon dioxide (thorough cleaning without damaging the enamel) and a complex of compounds that can destroy hardened dental plaque. This product is the perfect solution for smokers and ardent coffee lovers.
Apply a small amount of paste to the toothbrush, brush your teeth with massaging movements for 2 minutes. Rinse your mouth. Recommended for daily use.

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