Splat Toothpaste MAXIMUM 100ml

Splat Toothpaste MAXIMUM 100ml / 3.38oz

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This innovative toothpaste with nanohydroxyapatite, zinc ions and herbal extracts is designed to maximize the effect of oral cavity freshness, reliable protection against caries and strengthen enamel.
This super fresh whitening toothpaste acts effectively due to the synergy of nanotechnology and the high activity of its natural components. The Polydon® whitening component in high concentration removes plaque from tobacco, tea and coffee. 
Natural papain enzyme splits the protein plaque. Zinc ions in combination with natural antiseptic thymol inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria causing bad breath. The innovative system of LUCTATOL® eliminates cariogenic bacteria.
SLS, triclosan, chlorhexidine, saccharinate, peroxides, fluorine - free
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