Splat Toothpaste AROMATHERAPY 100ml

Splat Toothpaste AROMATHERAPY 100ml / 3.38oz

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This unique gel toothpaste with Amazonian rosewood, lavandin and bergamot essential oils has an enhanced antibacterial effect and helps to preserve the freshness of your morning breath.
A complex of natural pineapple and papaya enzymes prevents the formation of plaque during the night period and helps to keep the enamel clean. The Polydon® component makes teeth perfectly smooth, which prevents the fixation of the bacteria on the enamel surface.
Violet extract cares for the health of gums. Bioactive Calcis strengthens the enamel, thus reducing teeth hypersensitivity. 
This toothpaste is perfect for use before going to sleep. 
The combination of essential oils contained in this toothpaste composition has a relaxing and anti-stress effect and protects against bacteria for a long time.
SLS, triclosan, chlorhexidine, saccharinate, peroxides, Fluorine-free

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