Splat Special Toothpaste SHOCK 75ml

Splat Special Toothpaste SHOCK 75ml / 2.53oz

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This whitening toothpaste with nettle effectively improves blood microcirculation in the oral cavity soft tissues. It has a hemostatic effect and gently cares for gum health. Nettle extract contains tannins and vitamins K and C with strong antimicrobial action against bacteria causing inflammation in the oral cavity. Moreover, it is a powerful antioxidant. Sage essential oil with Biosol antiseptic helps to prevent inflammation and bleeding of the gums. Stevia dry extract protects gums from inflammation. Cajeput essential oil is a safe antibacterial substance. Pepper extract adds an unusual, pungent flavor to the toothpaste and stimulates the blood circulation in gums.
A tasty and pungent toothpaste for people open to everything new.
Caution: not recommended for people with very sensitive taste receptors.
SLS, triclosan, chlorhexidine, saccharinate, peroxides, Fluorine-free.
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