Planeta Organica PURE Neutral Bio Alpian Thermal Water 200ml

Planeta Organica PURE Alpian Thermal Water 200ml / 6.76oz

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Alpine thermal water is a unique combination of mineral salts that maintain skin balance.Instantly refreshes, moisturizes, softens and regenerates the skin.It protects it from harmful environmental factors. It frees from toxins, preserves youth and beauty.
Spray thermal water on the face or body and leave for 2-3 minutes. for absorption. Carefully remove excess water by blotting on a napkin. Use as often as necessary.
Ingredients: Thermal Aqua with Organic Arnica Montana Flower Extract (organic mountain arnica extract), Organic Leontopodium Alpinum Flower / Leaf Extract (organic edelweiss extract), Organic Viola Odorata Extract (organic white violet extract), Sodium Benzoate (food preservativefrom cowberry berries), Potassium Sorbate (food preservative from rowan berries).
Skin Type
Dry skin
Sensitive skin
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