Planeta Organica PURE Neutral Bio 100% Hyaluronic Face Serum 30ml

Planeta Organica PURE 100% Hyaluronic Face Serum 30ml / 1.01oz

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Ingredients:Aqua with infusions of Organic Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Extract (organic aloe vera extract), Sodium Hyaluronate (high molecular weight hyaluronic acid), Panthenol (vitamin B5), Xanthan Gum (natural polysaccharide), Citric Asid, Sodium Benzoate (food preservative fromcowberry berries), Potassium Sorbate (food preservative from rowan berries).
Hyaluronic acid is found in our skin and regulates water balance. It is responsible for the elasticity and elasticity of the skin. But with age, its content decreases and the skin begins to lose moisture, it becomes dry, the first wrinkles appear.
One molecule of hyaluronic acid is able to keep the amount of water 1000 times its weight, so it moisturizes the skin so well and normalizes the water balance. It activates the synthesis of its own collagen and elastin, thereby increasing skin tone and elasticity.
high molecular weight hyaluronic acid deeply moisturizes, fills and reduces wrinkles.
Organic aloe vera extract soothes, refreshes and gives skin glow.
Vitamin B5 intensively restores and nourishes the skin.
Skin Type
Dry skin
Sensitive skin
Purposes of Application

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