Finn Lux Body salt scrub shimmer Caramel 250g

Finn Lux Body salt scrub shimmer Caramel 250g

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Salt scrub to restore skin tone and elasticity. Particles of sea salt and yellow clay in the process saturate the skin with important natural minerals. Coconut oil and vitamin E soften and soothe the skin. The aroma of salted caramel gives mood, affecting the emotional component. Result: an even relief of body contours and impeccably delicate skin!
Apply a small amount of scrub on wet, cleansed skin, massage for several minutes, rinse thoroughly with water. Use no more than twice a week. No additional moisturizing is required after using this product.
Ingredients: sea salt, yellow clay, coconut oil, vitamin E, mineral shimmering powder, cosmetic fragrance "Salted caramel".

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