Teana Occlux Molecular Microfluid Age-Free 50ml

Teana Occlux Molecular Microfluid Age-Free 50ml / 1.69oz

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With sea snail toxin.
Gives an instant botox effect.
Fills wrinkles quickly.
Provides deep moisture.
Effect: it is a cosmetic analogue of hyaluronic fillers and botox injections, as it improves the skin's texture, provides deep moisture, increases elasticity, reduces dryness and eliminates any feeling of tightness. The skin is hydrated, expression lines are less visible – only 2 hours after application.
Result: smoother, softer skin, fewer wrinkles.
Skin type: any.
Active ingredients: ХЕР-018, Hyadisine, Hyanify, Diffuporine, Lipomoist-2036, Retinol molecular film fluid WP.
Application: Apply to cleansed face and neck in a thin layer after a serum / booster or as a standalone product.
Purposes of Application
Lifting & Rejuvenation
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