Teana Occlux Molecular Microfluid Sensocalm 50ml

Teana Occlux Molecular Microfluid Sensocalm 50ml / 1.69oz

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With neurocalming complex with sea anemone toxin.
Gives comfort to sensitive skin.
Reduces redness and pigmentation.
Effect: it is a cosmetic analogue to sclerotherapy for an ideal skin tone without makeup. It relieves any uncomfortable itchy feeling and hypersensitivity 2 hours after application, reduces redness, restores the skin's barrier functions, and increases the skin's resistance to stress. It gives an even tone and radiance to the skin, lightening pigmentation.
Result: a more even and calm skin tone.
Skin type: any.
Active ingredients: SensAmone P5, Telangyn, Delisens, Brighlette, Lipomoist-2036, Retinol molecular film fluid WP.
Application: Apply to cleansed face and neck in a thin layer after a serum / booster or as a standalone product.
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