Mi&Ko Shampoo Juniperus regulating oiliness hair 200ml

Mi&Ko Shampoo Juniperus regulating oiliness hair 200ml / 6.76oz

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Natural shampoo Juniper normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands, so it is well suited for oily hair. Hop and yarrow extracts will restore their shine and natural elasticity. Essential oil of juniper will eliminate excessive oily hair, help get rid of dandruff. Cherimoya extract relieves inflammation, soothes the scalp and adds foam to the shampoo.
Ingredients: Artesian water, cherimoya extract, vegetable glycerin, wheat protein, xanthan gum, inulin, vegetable lanolin, honeysuckle extract, citric acid, essential oils of juniper, pine, Atlas cedar, black pepper, extracts of Macleia, oak, St. John's wort, hop, yarrow , rosemary, eclipta extract.
Application: Apply shampoo to wet hair and massage. Rinse thoroughly with warm water. Repeat if necessary.
To achieve the best effect, we recommend using MiKo Juniper Conditioner.
Avoid getting the shampoo in your eyes, in case of contact, rinse your eyes with water.
Do not use in case of individual intolerance to the components.
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