Mi&Ko Conditioner Juniper Regenerating Sebum 200ml

Mi&Ko Conditioner Juniper Regenerating Sebum 200ml / 6.76oz

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The fresh scent of coniferous forest combined with the milky texture of the Juniper conditioner will make the process of hair care pleasant and relaxing. After using the product, the hair will receive a noticeable, although not excessive volume at the roots, a healthy shine, become dense and strong, like a silk thread, and will be easy to comb.
Thanks to the extracts of oak and St. John's wort in the conditioner, Juniper envelops the hair in a thin layer, protecting it from moisture loss.
Borage oil "sticks together" keratin scales that have opened during washing, thereby restoring the natural elasticity of the hair.
Juniper oil normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands and saturates the hair with vitality and energy.
Ingredients: artesian water, neem wax, inulin, wheat protein, vegetable glycerin, borage oil, honeysuckle extract, lactic acid, cetyl alcohol, essential oils of juniper, Atlas cedar, pine, black pepper, extracts of Macleia, oak, St. John's wort, hops, yarrow , rosemary, sage.
Application: Apply a small amount of conditioner to clean, damp hair along the entire length, leave for 2-3 minutes, rinse with water.
Do not use in case of individual intolerance to the components.
Purposes of Application
Oil control
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