KLEONA Bath soap with loofah Lavender 130g

KLEONA Bath soap with loofah Lavender 130g

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Perfect for deep cleansing of the skin and pores, provides a foamy massage.
Luffa well exfoliates dead skin cells without harming it. Thanks to this, the skin becomes soft, tender and velvety.
The sensual aroma of lavender helps to relieve stress and fatigue, leads to a state of peace and tranquility, completing the process of bathing with a kind of aromatherapy. Soap on a rope is convenient to use in the shower or bath, as well as take it with you on trips. Economical to use. Suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin.
Ingredients: saponified mixture of coconut, olive, palm, almond, castor oils, water, natural glycerin, lavender oil extract, citric acid, lavender essential oil, blue chamomile essential oil, clary sage essential oil, eucalyptus essential oil, tocopherol acetate (vitamin E).
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