KLEONA Toilet soap Calendula 100g

KLEONA Toilet soap Calendula 100g

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High quality natural handmade soap. Made from a blend of olive, almond, coconut, palm kernel, canola and cocoa oils. Enriched with healing herbs: string, chamomile and calendula. Light amber color interspersed with ground herbs and flowers. It has a cool floral herbal aroma.
Soap composition: saponified mixture of olive, almond, palm kernel, coconut, rapeseed and cocoa oils, glycerin, spring water, palm olein, beeswax, citric acid, oil extracts of string, chamomile, calendula , herb succession, chamomile flowers, marigold flowers, essential oils of jasmine, neroli, eucalyptus and clary sage, vitamin E.
Lather soap with water. Apply the foam on the skin of the face, neck or body with circular massaging movements. Rinse your skin with warm water. Blot with a towel.
Restrictions on use: allergic reactions to soap components.
Additional information: soap becomes sour if it is in contact with water for a long time. To avoid this, keep your soap in a well-ventilated perforated wooden or plastic soap dish.
Do not store soap (especially when wet) in soap dishes, on shelves or metalized plastic bars.
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