KLEONA Toilet soap Sea buckthorn 100g

KLEONA Toilet soap Sea buckthorn 100g

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High quality natural handmade soap made from olive, almond, coconut, palm kernel, rapeseed and cocoa oils. Enriched with sea buckthorn oil & healing essential oils of ylang ylang, neroli & eucalyptus. It has a beautiful white-yellow marble color and a unique, bitter, floral aroma.
Soap composition: saponified mixture of olive, almond, coconut, palm kernel, rapeseed oils and cocoa butter, glycerin, spring water, sea buckthorn oil, beeswax, lemon acid, essential oils of ylang-ylang, neroli, eucalyptus, vitamin E.
How to use: lather the soap with water. Apply the foam on the skin of the face, neck or body with circular massaging movements. Rinse your skin with warm water. Blot with a towel.
Restrictions on use: allergic reactions to soap components.
Additional information: soap becomes sour if it is in contact with water for a long time. To avoid this, keep your soap in a well-ventilated perforated wooden or plastic soap dish.
Do not store soap (especially when wet) in soap dishes, on shelves or metalized plastic bars.
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