Skipofit Dry turpentine bath Tired legs 150ml

Skipofit Dry turpentine bath Tired legs 150ml / 5.07oz

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For ease and relief of fatigue after a long stay on your feet
Dry turpentine bath "Tired Legs" was created specifically to combat varicose veins in people who are contraindicated in hygienic baths or those who do not have a bathroom at home. And also indispensable for sellers, hairdressers, teachers and all those who spend most of the day on their feet!
Horse chestnut extract. is a natural venotonic agent. Chestnut alkaloids are embedded in the inner lining of the veins and pull them up like compression stockings.
You will get the first results after 2-3 applications. Swelling will decrease significantly, lightness will appear, spider veins and cyanosis may disappear altogether. Large veins will decrease in volume by 2 times.
Natural gum turpentine with dihydroquercetin (an extract of Siberian larch) is an excellent conductor for horse chestnut alkaloids, because due to microcirculation it allows them to penetrate into the inner layers and even affect deep veins.
The main effects are lightness within 12 hours after application, prevention and protection against pulmonary embolism. Also, it promotes the healing of the venous wall, which generally prevents the formation of thrombophlebitis and blood clots.
Ingredients: Gum turpentine, dihydroquercetin, extract of horse chestnut, chamomile, linden, essential oils, lemon, patchouli, fir.
Apply a small amount of balm on the skin of the legs and rub with massage movements until completely absorbed.
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