Skipofit Dry turpentine bath Tired legs ACTIVE 150ml

Skipofit Dry turpentine bath Tired legs ACTIVE 150ml / 5.07oz

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Dry turpentine bath "Tired Legs Active" was created specifically to combat varicose veins, and is also indispensable for sellers, hairdressers, teachers and all those who spend most of the day on their feet!
Medicinal leech extract - contains more than 150 biologically active enzymes that improve microcirculation in the skin. During this set, the metabolic processes in the skin are normalized - toxins and toxins are removed, skin cells are saturated with oxygen and useful microelements;
Horse chestnut extract is a natural venotonic remedy. Chestnut alkaloids are embedded in the inner lining of the veins and pull them up like compression stockings. You will get the first results after 2-3 applications. Swelling will decrease significantly, lightness will appear, spider veins and cyanosis may disappear altogether. Large veins will decrease in volume by 2 times;
Menthol - cools and tones the skin, helps to reduce the vascular network. Removes excess fluid and toxins from tissues. Edema disappears, legs become light and slender;
Extracts of green tea, horsetail and linden - help to improve blood and lymph flow, remove toxins from the subcutaneous tissue, strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Green tea improves the structure of the skin and prevents it from wilting, reduces the appearance of cellulite and stretch marks.
Ingredients: Water, Turpentine Oil, Horse Chestnut Seed Extract, Glyceryl Stearates, Menthol, Chamomile Flower Extract, Camellia Sinensis Leaf Extract, Panthenol, Equisetum Arvense Herb Extract, Ethylhexylglycerin, Phenoxyethanol, Tilia Cordata Flower Extract, Tocopherol Acetate, Dihydroquercetin, Angustifolia Lavender Oil ( Lavender), Sodium Stearoyl Glutamate, Citrus Peel Oil Medica Limonum (Lemon), Tea Tree Leaf Oil, Sodium Polyacrylate
Apply a small amount of balm to the skin and rub with massage movements until completely absorbed.
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