Turpentine emulsion for grinding Mobility 150ml

Turpentine emulsion for grinding Mobility 150ml / 5.07oz

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Turpentine emulsion "Mobility" provides regeneration of cartilage and joints, relieves pain, reduces stiffness of movements.
Gum turpentine - improves microcirculation in the capillaries of the skin, normalizes the work of metabolic processes, removes all toxins and toxins. Your cells begin to “breathe” and fill up with nutrients and oxygen! Regenerative processes in the cartilaginous tissue are stimulated, inflammation disappears, and with it the pain.
Essential oils of mint and jasmine have a calming effect. The tension of muscles and ligaments will go away. The supply of oxygen to the cells improves, and metabolic processes and cartilage regeneration are activated.
Horse chestnut extract is a natural venotonic remedy. You will get the first results after 2-3 applications. Swelling will decrease significantly, lightness will appear, spider veins and cyanosis may disappear altogether.
Ingredients: Gum turpentine, dihydroquercetin, extract of horse chestnut, chamomile, linden, essential oils, lemon, patchouli, fir.
Apply a small amount of balm on the skin of the legs and rub with massage movements until completely absorbed.
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