Skipofit Multiactive complex Weight normalization 250ml

Skipofit Multiactive complex Weight normalization 250ml / 8.45oz

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Skipofit "Normalization of weight" Multi-active extract for bathing 250 ml for 100% consists only of natural ingredients: turpentine and herbal oil extracts. It can be used as a separate agent for rubbing, massage, fitosaunas, and also as an additional auxiliary agent for adding to turpentine baths (according to Zalmanov). It helps with excess body weight, corrects the skin relief in problem areas, significantly increases the rate of fat metabolism, and prevents excessive fat deposition.
Gum turpentine - improves microcirculation in the capillaries of the skin, normalizes the work of metabolic processes, removes all toxins and toxins. Your cells begin to "breathe" and fill with nutrients and oxygen! Effective fat burning is possible only in conditions of sufficient oxygen.
Lavzea safrolovidny extract - stimulates metabolism, removes excess fluid and removes puffiness. Helps normalize sugar levels, reduce appetite and carbohydrate addiction, accelerate fat burning.
Brittle buckthorn extract - normalizes metabolic processes, prevents the deposition of fat in problem areas. Eliminates tuberosity of problem areas and promotes weight loss.
INCI: natural gum turpentine (highest grade), oil extracts of herbs: brittle buckthorn (bark), narrow-leaved fireweed, corn stigmas, bird knotweed (knotweed), common flax (seed), common bearberry, sand immortelle, ziziphora cuneiform, safflower leuzea
Local baths for problem areas: dissolve 5-10 ml (1-2 tsp) of the extract in a container with hot water (t = 40 ° C), close the lid and shake thoroughly until the water turns white, then pour the resulting solution into a comfortable container with 5–10 liters of water (t=36–38°C). The duration of the bath is 15 minutes, after which the skin is dried with a towel.
Auxiliary agent for turpentine baths (according to Zalmanov): a multi-active extract is added to a bath of White emulsion or Yellow solution "Skipofit" 5-10 ml (1-2 tsp), after dissolving and shaking it in a small amount of hot water (t = 40°C). The volume of the bath is 200 liters, the duration of the procedure is 15 minutes, the water temperature is 36°C.
Purposes of Application
Anti-cellulite & Weight loss
Modeling silhouette
Weight loss
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