Travopar Yellow turpentine solution with extracts of 18 herbs 1000ml

Travopar Yellow turpentine solution with extracts of 18 herbs 1000ml / 33.81oz

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Yellow turpentine solution with extracts of 18 herbs was created using a unique technology developed at the Institute of Natural Therapy. The technology does not allow increased heating of turpentine and valuable herbs during their extraction, therefore, absolutely all useful substances are preserved, and the effect of the use of these baths is most pronounced.
Yellow turpentine solution activates micropulsation of capillaries, improves blood flow and thereby speeds up metabolism: the cell receives oxygen and nutrients faster and is most effectively cleansed of toxins and toxins. As a result, billions of cells in your body are cleansed and filled with useful substances. Already after the first application, all toxins and toxins are removed through the skin, your body will feel light and fresh, as if dust had been shaken out of it. Metabolism increases, liver functions are activated, enzyme activity increases, digestion improves and constipation disappears. Good nutrition of cells leads to a decrease in the level of appetite, and turpentine tightens the contours of the body and breaks down cellulite formations. Yellow turpentine bath fights unwanted salt deposits in the near-articular tissues and in the joint cavities, which will relieve pain and increase the mobility of your joints. After several applications, microcirculation in the skin improves, which triggers collagen synthesis. Your skin will be rejuvenated and will look toned.
Over the years, the blood circulation of human organs and tissues deteriorates, we are all afraid of cholesterol and its harm to blood vessels. However, cholesterol is deposited only in the arteries, and the bulk of the vessels that feed the cells of the human body are capillaries, in which blood circulation can also be disturbed, which leads to more serious consequences!
Our body consists of billions of cells and capillaries fit each of them. If the capillaries of one person are pulled into a thread, they can wrap the earth 6 times! That is why it is so important to maintain blood microcirculation, because the nutrition of the cells of our body depends on it - the cells of the brain, heart, liver, thyroid gland and others.
In 1905, academician Zalmanov invented a composition based on natural coniferous resin (turpentine) - white and yellow turpentine baths.
This method of treatment turned out to be so effective that in his clinic people got rid of arthritis and arthrosis, lost weight, cured diabetes, coronary heart disease and many other diseases.
Ingredients: Aloe vera, birch leaves, oak bark, oregano, St. John's wort, marigold flowers, nettle leaves, burdock root, chamomile, licorice roots, pine buds, cinquefoil, wormwood, yarrow, horsetail, thyme, string, sage. Prepared by special technology.
Dissolve 10 ml of the yellow solution in 10 ml of hot water, shake it up and pour the resulting mixture into a previously prepared bath with water (150 liters of water at a temperature of 36C). The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. Take every other day.
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