Floresan Burdock hair serum for baldness 100ml / 3.38oz

Floresan Burdock hair serum for baldness 100ml / 3.38oz

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Floresan burdock serum for baldness is a targeted drug for a quick and effective solution to the problem of hair loss. An active complex of vitamins and natural extracts of burdock, nettle, red pepper stimulates hair follicles, strengthening hair roots and providing necessary nutrition to weakened, thinning and damaged hair. The serum provides the hair with the necessary care, prevents hair loss and strengthens the roots, giving the hair a healthy and well-groomed appearance. Floresan burdock serum for baldness is easily applied to the hair and is quickly absorbed. Spray evenly onto clean scalp, paying special attention to hair roots. Massage your scalp for 3-5 minutes until you feel a pleasant warmth. Use daily. Does not require rinsing. The serum may cause a slight burning sensation that goes away after 5-10 minutes. Regular use of serum prevents hair fragility and loss.

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