Concept Pre-Colouring Emulsion Primer 2in1 240ml / 8.11oz

Concept Pre-Colouring Emulsion Primer 2in1 240ml / 8.11oz

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A product for professional use that evens out the hair structure and reduces the impact of procedures such as coloring, bleaching and perm on the hair. The serum contains guar, a natural gelling agent obtained from algae, which:
has the strongest film-forming and enveloping ability;
has the ability to close pores, which has an effective protective effect on hair during dyeing, bleaching and perming;
eliminates the discomfort that occurs when using oxidants and fixatives.
The serum also contains fatty components and effective moisturizers, which have an additional protective effect and give hair shine and a well-groomed appearance.

How to use Hair Serum before coloring 2 in 1 “Smoothing and protecting structure”?
Rub a small amount of serum in your palms, then apply with massaging movements to dry hair and scalp, distribute along the entire length, focusing on the ends of the hair. Don't wash it off! After applying the Concept serum, proceed to coloring, bleaching or perming.

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