Esvirost (Esvisin) hair lotion 250ml / 8.45oz

Esvirost (Esvisin) hair lotion 250ml / 8.45oz

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Esvirost lotion is a cosmetic product for hair, the action of the components of which promotes the growth, restoration and strengthening of hair, as well as the prevention of baldness. The lotion contains microelements that stimulate enzymes to prevent baldness and restore hair.

Esvirost does not contain artificial dyes or parabens.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components. If the product gets into your eyes, rinse with water. It is not a medicine.

Ingredients: Water, succinic acid, copper chloride, zinc chloride, magnesium chloride, sodium metasilicate

Every day or every other day, moisten the scalp with the product, lightly rubbing into problem areas, do not rinse. Can be used in combination with conventional washing cosmetic shampoos.

Purposes of Application
Anti Hair Loss
Hair growth stimulation
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