Sophia Body balm with Bee venom (Apitoxin) 125ml

Sophia Body balm with Bee venom (Apitoxin) 125ml / 4.22oz

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Bee venom is a highly effective natural remedy for the prevention and treatment of a wide range of diseases of the joints and spine. Bee venom has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, warming, analgesic, bactericidal, immunocorrective effect, activates blood flow, improves joint metabolism and nutrition in articular tissues. By increasing the permeability of the skin, bee venom promotes deep penetration of therapeutic components into the problem area.
Extracts and oils of medicinal plants - provide the joints with nutrients, improve metabolism in the articular tissues, stimulate regenerative processes in cartilage, improve the quality of the intra-articular fluid, have anti-inflammatory, anti-edema and antioxidant effects, prevent the development of pain.
Callogen hydrolyzate is an essential material for the musculoskeletal system, promotes the regeneration and strengthening of the connective tissue of the spine, joints and ligaments, improves the depreciation properties (carcass) of cartilage and synovial fluid.
Liposomal-emulsion complex - contributes to the rapid and deep penetration of active substances, without reducing their effectiveness, through the skin deep into the tissues.

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