Sophia Bioactive Foot Gel Troxerutin forte 2% and Leech extract 75ml

Sophia Bioactive Foot Gel Troxerutin forte 2% and Leech extract 75ml / 2.53oz

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Leech extract, troxerutin, horse chestnut extract, glycerin.

- Strengthens veins and increases their tone
- Reduces capillary fragility, prevents swelling
- Improves the aesthetic appearance of the legs
- Actively prevents the development of hereditary varicose veins

Troxerutin comprehensively solves the problems of varicose veins, strengthens veins and increases their tone, reduces capillary fragility, prevents swelling and improves the aesthetic appearance of the legs.

The gel is evenly distributed along the vein from bottom to top for 2-3 minutes, 2 to 3 times a day. Course 3 - 5 weeks.


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