Golden Silk FILLER against fragility of hair Curaplasty 25ml

Golden Silk FILLER against fragility of hair Curaplasty 25ml / 0.84oz

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Fills the porous hair structure with hyaluronic acid and keratin
Restores fragile and lifeless hair
Moisturizes, prevents breakage and dryness.
Curaplasty FILLER - a placeholder designed to reconstruct and repair damaged, fragile, dry, and lifeless hair.
Saturated cream FILLER does not require rinsing, absorbs quickly, does not stick and does not weigh down the hair. Reduces brittleness, seals split ends, instantly smoothes the surface of the hair. The active complexes in FILLER fill damage and ensure the integrity of hair areas, strengthening its structure.
Keratin compensates for the lack of proteins, works as a "patch", restores the strength of the hair.
Hyaluronic acid moisturizes, improves water retention in the hair structure, prevents dryness and breakage.
Premium Save Keratine complex instantly restores the hydrophobicity and smoothness of damaged hair. It has thermo-protective properties, creates durable conditioning, reduces fragility when combing, prevents the hair from “puffing”. It makes hair soft and healthy.
2 - 3 drops of the filler to rub in palms and evenly distribute on clean, towel-dried or dry hair, stepping back from the roots.
Do not flush! Next, start laying. Can be used daily.
To maintain the hairstyle and remove the “puffing”: rub 2 drops of the filler in the palms and evenly apply to dry hair. Use as needed.
Avoid eye contact. Individual intolerance of components is possible.
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