Golden Silk Makassar oil to strengthen hair against loss of 90ml

Golden Silk Makassar oil to strengthen hair against loss of 90ml / 3.04oz

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Intensively nourishes the hair roots
Strengthens the hair follicle
Prevents falling out
Promotes hair growth
A unique oil, restored by the XIX century recipes, known as macassar oil, which was part of all European hair strengthening products. Consists of a complex of 100% vegetable oils (ylang-ylang, coconut, burdock, and corn). Provides intensive nutrition for hair roots, strengthens the hair follicle), preventing loss.
Apply the oil to the hair roots, rubbing the fingertips into the scalp, and spread the comb over the entire length. Put on a shower cap, on top of a towel, leave on your hair for 20-30 minutes. For maximum effect, preheat the oil in a water bath. Wash off with shampoo. * Use 1-2 times a week.
Avoid eye contact. Individual intolerance of components is possible.
Ingredients: Corn oil, Oil extract of burdock (burdock), Coconut oil, Essential oil Ylang-Ylang, Tocopherol Acetate (Vitamin E), BHT, BHA
Purposes of Application
Anti Hair Loss
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