New Secrets of Callisia fragrans Cream for pain in the joints and salt deposition 75ml

New Secrets of Callisia fragrans Cream for pain in the joints and salt deposition 75ml / 2.53oz

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The juice of the Callisia fragrans is not accidentally called "living water", because it contains large amounts of biologically active substances. These are two types of flavonoids (quercetin and kaempferol), phytosterols, and trace elements.
- Quercetin has P-vitamin and antitumor properties.
- Kampferol tones, strengthens the capillaries, reduces inflammation and removes harmful substances from the body.
The cream is recommended for removing pain in muscles and joints when salt is deposited, normalizes joint mobility. Extracts of medicinal plants that make up the “Cream drug” (extracts of golden mustache, saber, nettle, horse chestnut, St. John's wort, etc.) are very rich in flavonoids, vitamin C and tannins. It is these biologically active components that determine the anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, analgesic, antiallergic and antipyretic properties of “Cream-DOSE PAIN IN THE JOINTS AND SEDIMENTS DEPOSITION”, and effectively contribute to the improvement of blood circulation in the arteries and vessels of the articular capsule, the bones and nearby arteries and the deposition of SALTS, and effectively contribute to the improvement of blood circulation in the arteries and vessels of the articular capsule, the bones and nearby arteries and the deposition of SALTS, and effectively contribute to the improvement of blood circulation in the arteries and vessels of the articular capsule, the bones and nearby arteries and the deposition of SALTS. process.
Apply to the skin and massage until the cream is completely absorbed. Apply as needed.
Individual intolerance is possible. For external use only.
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