New Secrets of Callisia fragrans Cream with Badger fat and Pepper AT OSTEOCHONDROSIS AND RADIKULIT 75ml

New Secrets of Callisia fragrans Cream with Badger fat and Pepper AT OSTEOCHONDROSIS AND RADIKULIT 75ml / 2.53oz

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The juice of the Callisia fragrans is not accidentally called "living water", because it contains large amounts of biologically active substances. These are two types of flavonoids (quercetin and kaempferol), phytosterols, and trace elements.
- Quercetin has P-vitamin and antitumor properties.
- Kempferol tones, strengthens capillaries, reduces inflammation and removes harmful substances from the body.
An amazing tool that allows you to significantly enhance the effect of traditional methods of treating osteochondrosis and radiculitis. Pepper and badger fat in the cream have long been used in folk medicine to treat these diseases. The unique combination of active ingredients improves blood circulation, has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects and has a noticeable analgesic effect. Golden mustache juice, due to the presence of flavonoid in its composition, not only has an antispasmodic and antioxidant effect, but also contributes to antitumor activity and activates the body's vitality.
Apply as needed. Apply the cream on the lumbar region and massage with massage movements until completely absorbed.
Individual intolerance is possible. For external use only.
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