KLEONA Toner for oily and problem skin 150ml

KLEONA Clean Skin Tonic-balance for oily and problem skin 150ml / 5.07oz

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Natural tonic with natural salicylates contained in the buds of black poplar and birch, biostimulant - Rhodiola rosea and fruit acids. Gently cleanses the facial skin of impurities, has a slight warming effect, accelerates metabolic processes, and increases the effectiveness of cosmetics applied to the skin after tonic. Has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal effect. Eliminates redness and inflammation. Evens out skin color and texture. Gives the face a fresh, healthy look.
Ingredients: water, black poplar bud extract, silver birch bud extract, Rhodiola rosea extract, polyglyceryl-4 caprate, biosaccharide gum, sucrose laurate, glycerin, white grape wine, rose essential oil, xanthan gum, sodium lactate, citric acid, lactic acid , succinic acid, benzyl alcohol, benzoic acid, sorbitan caprylate, caprylyl glycol.
Skin Type
Oily skin
Problem Skin
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