KLEONA Flower water Rose 100ml

KLEONA Flower water Rose 100ml / 3.38oz

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floral water with a delicate aroma of fresh roses. A gentle treatment for all skin types and all ages. Thanks to its gentle action, it is recommended for daily washing of the face and décolleté. Intensively moisturizes, softens and soothes the skin, reduces signs of stress, improves complexion. Rejuvenates, improves skin tone and elasticity, gives it a pleasant velvety. Gently cleanses and gives a feeling of freshness, removes the remnants of water-soluble cosmetics. Good moisturizing make-up base.
100% steam distilled rose flowers (Rosa gallica) from the Crimean coast.
spray onto skin as needed; for cleansing, use a cotton pad dipped in floral water.
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