KLEONA Viburnum Hydrolat 100ml

KLEONA Viburnum Hydrolat 100ml / 3.38oz

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Effectively moisturizes and restores skin elasticity, tones and fills it with vital energy. Thanks to polyphenols, it has an intense antioxidant effect, rejuvenates the skin and improves complexion. Contributes to the narrowing and strengthening of capillaries, reducing the manifestation of rosacea. The strongest natural antiseptic, helps to cope with rashes on the face. Due to the acidic pH, it increases the protective properties of the skin. Has a whitening effect, lightens freckles and age spots.
100% organic steam distilled product of viburnum berries (Viburnumopulus).
To use: spray onto skin or hair roots as needed; Use a cotton pad moistened with hydrosol to clean.
Contraindications: allergic reactions.
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