Mi&ko Hydrolat Neroli COSMOS ORGANIC 50ml

Mi&ko Hydrolat Neroli COSMOS ORGANIC 50ml / 1.69oz

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Aroma: bittersweet, citrus, floral.
Color: transparent, colorless.
Consistency: liquid, without sediment.
Skin type: all types, including inflamed, sensitive, mature skin.
Neroli hydrosol is one of the champions in its ability to retain moisture in the skin on the surface of the epidermis. With its astringent texture, this floral water covers the stratum corneum of the epidermis with a thin but firm protective layer. Gradually, the skin begins to become less oily and acquires a healthy muted shine. Neroli perfectly refreshes the complexion and completes the cleansing process, while the skin around the eyes has a tonic effect.
Citrus products traditionally play the role of natural deodorants: they control the work of sweat and sebaceous glands and at the same time have an antibacterial effect. The aroma of Neroli is one of the adpathogens. It acts as an antidepressant, tunes in a positive way, calms, but does not lull.
Ingredients: COSMOS ORGANIC neroli hydrolat, certified by Ecocert Greenlife in accordance with the COSMOS standard.
As a tonic. Spray onto cleansed face, neck and décolleté before moisturizing and toning.
For refreshing and moisturizing the skin throughout the day. From time to time, spray on the skin of the face (can be over makeup). Especially true in hot summer weather or when the air is dry from heaters or air conditioning.
As a component of cosmetic ice and masks. As part of any home remedies, hydrolate can successfully replace water. You can also spray the hydrosol on top of the applied mask to prevent it from drying out.
As a means to care for the skin around the eyes and relieve fatigue. Apply chilled neroli hydrosol on cotton pads and compress around the eye area.
After shaving and depilation. Apply to body skin to hydrate and restore skin.
In aromatherapy as a natural antidepressant. It harmonizes the state of mind without causing drowsiness.
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