Mi&ko Witch hazel hydrolat COSMOS ORGANIC 50ml

Mi&ko Witch hazel hydrolat COSMOS ORGANIC 50ml / 1.69oz

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Aroma: pleasant, nutty, not overpowering.
Color: transparent, colorless.
Consistency: liquid, but on the skin "knits".
Skin type: oily, problematic, sensitive, mature.
Acne, acne, pimples, blackheads… Witch hazel is susceptible to all types of inflammation on oily skin, which appear due to improper cleansing or disruption of the hydrolipid layer.
The basis of the hydrolate is made up of antibacterial components, as well as tannins - tannins - they maintain the tone of the epidermis and strengthen blood vessels. With regular application to the skin, witch hazel hydrolate cleanses the surface layer of the skin from visible vascular networks, rosacea, brightens blue-violet bags under the eyes and relieves puffiness.
Witch hazel also "tames" the sebaceous glands, calming their activity, resists cell oxidation, therefore it is suitable for solving the problems of mature skin. Witch hazel hydrolate has excellent antioxidant and anti-aging properties.
Ingredients: COSMOS ORGANIC witch hazel hydrolate, certified by Ecocert Greenlife in accordance with the COSMOS standard
As a tonic. Spray onto cleansed face, neck and décolleté before applying cream for a moisturizing and mild astringent effect.
For refreshing and moisturizing the skin throughout the day. From time to time, spray on the skin of the face (can be over makeup). Especially true in hot summer weather or when the air is dry from heaters or air conditioning.
As a component of cosmetic ice and masks. As part of any home remedies, hydrolate can successfully replace water. You can also spray the hydrosol on top of the applied mask to prevent it from drying out.
To irrigate the skin after shaving. Spray on the treated areas of the skin for the speedy recovery and healing of microtraumas
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