NL Fineffect Гель для стирки белого и цветного белья Active Gel 1000мл

NL Fineffect Washing Gel Concentrate Active Plus 1000ml

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9.86 $

The gel with a safe composition effectively removes dirt and is easily rinsed out of the laundry.
Retains the shape and color of linen.
It is effective in cold water from 15 °C, thanks to which it saves energy and preserves the appearance of the laundry.
Suitable for hand and machine washing, white, colored and black linen, all types of fabrics, including sportswear and membrane fabrics.
Interferes with formation of a scum in the washing machine.
Bottle neck with spout and measuring cap for easy dosing.
Has a fresh aloe scent.
Enzymes effectively wash organic contaminants.
Natural soaps and surfactants based on coconut oil gently clean laundry.
Polycarboxylates prevent scale formation in the washing machine.
Without chlorine and phosphates.
Composition: > 30% purified water; > 5% but < 15% anionic surfactants, non-ionic surfactants; < 5%: soap, polycarboxylates, enzymes, preservative, fragrance.
Wash in water from 15 to 50 °C (enzymes are destroyed at higher temperatures).
Before washing, be sure to read the information on the product label.
Do not mix gel and conditioner directly on clothing.
For difficult stains, you can apply the gel directly to the stain before washing for 2-3 minutes.
To dispense the gel, use a measuring cap (the full volume of the cap is 40 ml, half is 20 ml).

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