Peptides Лингвалы Оваген пептиды печени 10мл

الببتيدات Ovagen الببتيدات الكبدية اللغوية 10 مل

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27.14 $

For the digestive system
Ovagen lingual represents a complex of the short peptides contributing to normalization of liver and digestive tract functions.
The efficiency of Ovagen lingual food supplement was defined in clinical studies. It is effective in the complex treatment of patients suffering from hepatitis of various etiologies, in the prevention of complications of radiation or chemotherapy and side effects when using antibiotics and other drugs as well as the consequences of exposure to the body of various adverse factors (including environmental, toxic), in case of malnutrition, and also to maintain liver function in elderly and old people.
Recommended for:
metabolic disorder;
decrease of liver function;
skin diseases;
normalization of lipid metabolism at atherosclerosis and obesity;
prevention of diabetes;
consequences of all types viral hepatitises;
alcoholic and toxic damages of liver;
acute and chronic hypohepatia;
preoperative and postoperative periods at surgical interventions on liver;
long antibiotic treatment;
cholestasia, dyskinesia of biliary tract;
cirrhosis of various genesis,
enteropathy, dyspepsia;
prevention of liver diseases in advanced and senile age.
Water, peptide complex AC-3 (glutamic acid, aspartic acid, leucine).
Daily dose (1 ml) contains 0.1 mg of peptide complex AC-3.
How to apply:
Adults are recommended to take under the tongue 5–6 drops (0.25–0.35 ml) for 10–15 minutes before eating 3–4 times a day. The duration of admission is 1 month. It is recommended to repeat the intake in 3–6 months.

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