Peptides Лингвалы Пиелотакс пептиды почек 10мл

الببتيدات بيلوتاكس الببتيدات الكلوية اللغوية 10 مل

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32.86 $

For the urinary system
Complex of peptide fractions, acquired from kidneys. Discharged peptides possess selective action to kidney tissue cells, normalize metabolism.
The efficiency of Pielotax lingual was defined at clinical studying. It is effective for complex restoration of kidneys function at nephropathies of various genesis, for optimization of urinary system function, at influence of external environment extreme factors, malnutrition and also at aging.
Recommended in case of:
anomalies of urinary tract,
chronic pyelonephritis, cystitis, glomerulonephritis,
renal insufficiency,
nephropathies of various genesis, including diabetic nephropathy.
Water, peptide complex A-9 (peptides of kidneys).
Daily dose (1 ml) contains 10 mg of peptide complex A-9.
How to apply:
Adults take under the tongue 5–6 drops (0.25–0.35 ml) for 10–15 minutes before eating 3–4 times a day. The duration of admission is 1 month. It is recommended to repeat the intake in 3–6 months.

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