Concept Gentle Care Conditioner for Damaged Hair Soft Care 300ml / 10.14oz

Concept Gentle Care Conditioner for Damaged Hair Soft Care 300ml / 10.14oz

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Professional conditioner, created on the basis of a seaweed complex, restores the natural balance of the scalp after coloring and accelerates the regeneration of damaged hair bulbs. The active formula of the conditioner intensively nourishes and neutralizes toxins in the hair structure, prolongs the freshness and lightness of curls. The conditioner provides hair with protection from heat, UV radiation and breakage. Keratin and D-panthenol give hair smoothness, flexibility and lightness, maintaining color brightness, shine and hair health.

What do hairdressers say about Gentle Care Conditioner for restoring damaged hair?
Intensely nourishes and softens
Maintains hair color vibrancy

How is Gentle Care Conditioner used?
Apply conditioner to hair previously washed with Sulfate Free Shampoo. Distribute over the entire length and leave for 5-7 minutes. Rinse your hair thoroughly with water.

Where to buy conditioner from Concept for damaged hair?

Purposes of Application
Repair coloured & damaged hair

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