Concept Intense shampoo with anti-yellow effect 300ml / 10.14oz

Concept Intense shampoo with anti-yellow effect 300ml / 10.14oz

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The innovative composition of the intensive care product, based on keratin, peach oil, aloe vera extract and d-panthenol, ensures restoration of the hair structure, hydration and nutrition, filling it from the inside. Hair gains elasticity, density and shine, while the violet pigment effectively combats the unwanted yellow tint that inevitably appears on bleached hair over time.

What do experts say about shampoo Deep restoration and neutralization of yellowness?
Gently cleanses hair and scalp.
Does not require additional care and recovery procedures.
Intensive care effectively restores hair

How to use shampoo Deep restoration and neutralization of yellowness?
Apply anti-yellow shampoo to damp hair. Massage evenly throughout hair and scalp. After this, rinse your hair with warm water.

Purposes of Application
Repair coloured & damaged hair

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