Teana Revolutionary Anti-Age Sensory Cream For Regular Eyelid Skin Care Charming Perfection 30ml

Teana Revolutionary Anti-Age Sensory Cream For Regular Eyelid Skin Care Charming Perfection 30ml / 1.01oz

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Reduces dark circles and bags under the eyes.
Smoothes crow's feet and expression lines.
Improves skin's elasticity and gives radiance.
Eliminates signs of aging and lifts the upper eyelid.
Effect: when used regularly the cream reduces dark circles and bags under the eyes, eliminates puffiness, improves the eye contours, lifts the upper eyelid and smoothes wrinkles. The eyelids become more elastic, supple and radiant.
Result: smoother skin; dark circles and bags under the eye are reduced.
Skin type: any.
Active ingredients: Beautifeye, Eyeseryl, Rubixyl, Unitamuron H-22, Unilucent HR-14, Inoveol CAFA, Meiritage (herbal extracts used in Chinese medicine: huang qi, bai zhu, chai hu), grapeseed oil.
Application: Apply a small amount of cream to the skin of the eyelids with light movements.
Purposes of Application
Lifting & Rejuvenation
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