Teana Rejuvenating Sensory Facelift Day Cream Absolute Perfection 50ml

Teana Rejuvenating Sensory Facelift Day Cream Absolute Perfection 50ml / 1.69oz

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Lifts and smoothes wrinkles.
Firms the skin.
Protects from UV rays and environmental pollution.
Moisturizes and nourishes.
Effect: this cream protects the skin, prevents photoaging, and has a rejuvenating and lifting effect. It maintains the optimal moisture level, restores the skin's barrier functions and launches rejuvenation processes in the skin cells. Itacts similarly to a filler adding volume to tissues.
Result: smooth, lifted and velvety skin all day, less noticeable wrinkles.
Skin type: any.
Active ingredients: NovHyal Biotech G, Hyanify, Unitamuron H-22, Rubixyl, Inoveol CAFA, Lipomoist 2036, Juvinity, Meiritage (herbal extracts used in Chinese medicine: huang qi, bai zhu, chai hu), vitamin F, shea butter, grape seed oil, jojoba oil, avocado oil. A perfect makeup base.
Application: Apply with light massage movements to the skin of the face. Remove excess with a napkin.
Purposes of Application
Lifting & Rejuvenation
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